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Partner with us to make our Vision Reality 

We welcome our newest members:


Our Premier Members Includes :

Introducing Our Annual Membership

The Safety Council of Greater St. Louis is celebrating our 100th year committed to making our community a safer place in which to live, work and play.  Our Vision is to ensure that everyone throughout our community returns home safe and healthy every day.  We invite you to become a member of the Safety Council of Greater St. Louis and help us make our vision a reality. 

Celebrating Over  
100 years of Safety

The Rewards of Membership

  • Vision Focus: all members of our community, beginning with our young drivers who are most at risk for accidents.  Included in your membership: the opportunity to host Alive @ 25 for children of your employees at an affiliated location to make a positive impact on our drivers.  One COMPLIMENTARY 4 hour training session for each member at your location or ours (for up to 15 students).  

  • Vision Focus: all members of our community, continue with our commuters most at risk when driving to and from work or business.  Included in your membership:  The opportunity to host or defensive driving courses for your employees.  One COMPLIMENTARY employee training with every 15 employee registrants.

  • Vision Focus: all members of our community, the future of safety in our workplace.  Join the Safety Council to participate in the SURVEY INSTITUTE  Safest Places to Work Survey to discover your workplaces individual deliverables along with the broader benefits and insights from local participation that are actionable for your workplace.    

  • Our other corporate training courses can be tailored to fit your company needs and schedules. 

  • Our vision includes communication within our community and we will offer our members 2 free admittances to

  • our Breakfast Meetings. Presentation opportunities are also available.

  • Company recognition on our web site and sponsored events.

  • Job postings on our web site for positions of relevancy.

  • Your membership also supports this 501 c nonprofit organization that has been a pillar of our community since

  • 1916 and includes Safetyville, court-ordered programs and outreach to those in our community.



OSHA Training

First Aid

Defensive Driving

The Safety Council of Greater St. Louis is Committed to Providing Solid Learning Experiences to Build Strong Work Place Leaders and Strong Communities 

Online Registration

Terms and Conditions: Non Refundable

Thanks for submitting!

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