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This information is provided by:
The State of Missouri Department of Corrections
Board of Probation and Parole
Ad Excelleum Conamur- "We Strive Towards Excellence"

REACT is a condition of probation, whereby the offender who has been sentenced under the RSMo 195 guidelines receives a screening assessment to determine if a level of substance abuse or mental health treatment is necessary. A network of screening offices know as RSU's (REACT Screening Units) have been established throughout the state, the offender can select an RSU near their home site to complete this first portion of REACT> After the initial screening has been completed, the screening assessment is forwarded to the Department of Corrections, district probation, and parole office. Should the RSU indicate a need for community treatment the offender would best be served. The determination for community treatment is determined by the services available within the offenders' probation and parole district and community. In the event the screening has determined that the offender needs a REP ( REACT Educational Program) the RSU can service those needs by providing the offender with a Department of Corrections and Department of Mental Health curriculum designed to address such needs.
How did REACT come to be a condition of probation?
In 1998, Sponsors of HB 1147 were Craig Hosmer and Co-Sponsor Steve Gaw, the sponsors introduced text that was developed and became law to "enable judicial circuits to institute drug courts and establish a required treatment program for certain drug offenders." The bill requires courts to order an offender for certain drug offenses (RSMo 195) to begin an educational assessment and community treatment (REACT) program administered by the Department of Corrections and the Department of Mental Health, within 60 days of probation, as a condition of probation. The fees for the program and the $60 supplemental fee will be paid in whole or in part by the offender. The supplemental fees, less 2% administrative cost, will be deposited in the Correctional Substance Abuse Earnings Fund. This fund created in the state treasury will be used for assistance in securing alcohol and drug rehabilitation services. House Bill 1147 became law on August 28th, 1998.
"Where do I go to do REACT?"
REACT programs can be completed at any certified REACT program, which may be accessible to the person (consult REACT/SATOP directory).
"How much does it cost?"
The REACT screening will cost $125, of which $60 is the supplemental fee, which is submitted to the state's Department of Corrections Correctional Substance Abuse Earnings Fund. Money from this fund is used to apply towards services for those offenders who may not be able to pay for services in treatment programs. When a client is recommended to the REACT Education Program (REP), the cost will be an additional $100. If a client's recommendation is treatment, the Standard Means Test can be applied towards this program level cost of service.
"I received a recommendation to do a REP, but I can't/don't believe that I really have a drug problem. What are my options- do I have to do what they say?"
The requirement to participate in and successfully complete a REACT program is a condition of probation set by the court. Clients who disagree with this requirement must take the issue before their probation officer and/or the court.
"I am a resident of another state but got a drug charge while in Missouri. Do I have to come back to complete the program in Missouri?"
This is a question that must be asked of the Probation and Parole officer. If a client completes an equivalent program in another state, the providing agency must be state certified, or nationally accredited. The client must receive an assessment and successfully complete a recommended substance abuse treatment program/ Notification of compliance or completion must be sent to the supervising Probation and Parole officer.
"I have moved to a different state. How can I meet the REACT requirements?"
If a client completes an equivalent program in another state, the providing agency must be state certified, or nationally accredited. The client must receive an assessment and successfully complete a recommended program/ Notification of compliance or completion must be sent to the supervising Probation and Parole Officer.
"I am a resident of another state but want to complete the REACT program in Missouri. Does that make any difference?"
Yes- if a person who has been found guilty, or pled guilty to a felony drug offense in another state can participate in any of the REACT programs. However, they must participate just like any other Missouri resident (pay the supplemental fee, do the screening and successfully complete a program). Upon successful program completion, a notice of offender compliance will be sent to that person's probation officer in their state of residence. The big difference is that they will not qualify for the SMT as a non-resident.
"I need to complete REACT right away (or if I don't do it before Monday the judge is going to put me in jail). Where are there classes this weekend?"
It is recommended that you keep a listing of programs within your region and give those numbers out when people call looking for various programs. It would be impossible to keep a calendar of who's doing what and when. Give the client the phone number of local agencies and let them take the responsibility of finding out when programs are available.
"I completed an inpatient program. Will this meet the REACT requirements?"
Clients completing a program prior to the REACT screening can use the successful completion of a treatment program if the completed program was through a certified or accredited program. The client will still be required to complete the screening process (pay the screening and the supplemental fees). The REACT agency will then require documentation (usually a discharge summary) from that program. The Department also recognizes programs from the Veteran's Hospitals and the Department of Corrections Substance Abuse Programs.
"An RSMo195 offender was placed on probation prior to REACT legislation. The offender violates conditions of probation after REACT legislation takes effect. Is this an offender who will be referred to REACT?"
REACT is ordered as a condition of probation by the court. This offender, would not, as a result of this violation be required to participate in REACT. However, the court may choose to amend the conditions of probation to include REACT as a condition of the offenders' probation.
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