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Osha 10/30 General

OSHA 10: 12-Hr Course; $220.00

OSHA 30: 36-Hr Course; $485.00

(Group Rates Available)

The OSHA Outreach Training Program provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces. The program also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. This is a voluntary program and does not meet training requirements for any OSHA standards.

Through this program, workers can attend 10-hour or 30-hour classes delivered by OSHA-authorized trainers. The 10-hour class is intended to provide workers with awareness of common job-related safety and health hazards, while the 30-hour class is more appropriate for supervisors or workers with some safety responsibility. Through this training, OSHA helps to ensure that workers are more knowledgeable about workplace hazards, their rights, and contribute to our nation's productivity.

Topics Covered:

10-Hour General Industry Outreach Training Program - Designated Training Topics. The 10-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program is intended to provide a variety of training to workers with some safety responsibility. Training should emphasize hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention, not OSHA standards. Instructional time must be a minimum of 30 hours. The topic requirements are as follows:

  1. Mandatory Topics - 

    1. Introduction to OSHA

    2. Walking and Working Surfaces, including fall protection

    3. Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection

    4. Electrical

    5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    6. Materials Handling

    7. Hazard Communication

  2. Elective - 10 hours. Must present at least 10 hours of training on the following topics. At least 5 of the following topics must be presented.

    • Hazardous Materials (Lockout / Tagout

·Machine Handling

  • Machine Guarding

  • Introduction to Industrial Hygiene

  • Lockout - Tagout

  • Ergonomics

  • Fall Protection

  • Safety and Health Programs

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

Upon successful completion of the OSHA 10 training, an official OSHA 10 General card will be ordered from OSHA for each participant and mailed to the sponsoring organization for distribution. The card does not have an expiration, however a 5-year refresher is recommended. 



OSHA Training

First Aid

Defensive Driving

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