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January 2021
"What to Do When you are Sick?" from the CDC on what to do if you feel sick with COVID 19 as well as when it is safe to abandon quarantine.
How long to isolate after possible exposure? According to the CDC: People with COVID-19 can still spread the virus even if they don’t have any symptoms. If you were around someone who had COVID-19, it is critical that you stay home and away from others for 14 days from the last day that you were around that person. Staying home and away from others at all times helps your health department in the fight against COVID-19 and helps protect you, your family, and your community. The best way to protect yourself and others is to stay home for 14 days if you think you’ve been exposed to someone who has COVID-19. Check your local health department’s website for information about options in your area to possibly shorten this quarantine period.
How long does one stay in isolation after being infected with COVID 19?
WITH SYMPTOMS: AFTER 24 hours with no fever AND Symptoms improved AND 10 days since symptoms first appeared. ALSO, Depending on your healthcare provider’s advice and availability of testing, you might get tested to see if you still have COVID-19. If you will be tested, you can be around others
when you have no fever, symptoms have improved, and you receive two negative test results in a row, at least
24 hours apart.
WITHOUT SYMPTOMS: AFTER 10 days have passed since the COVID test ALSO, Depending on your healthcare provider’s advice and availability of testing, you might get tested to see if you still have COVID-19. If you will be tested, you can be around others when you have no fever, symptoms have improved, and you receive two negative test results in a row, at least24 hours apart. FINALLY, Follow the WITH SYMPTOMS Guidelines above if you do develop symptoms.
Remember your pets
All information is from the CDC.
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