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4 or 8 Hour Course

$165.00 per Person

w/ Mike Minicky

This course is 4 or 8 hours in duration dependent on the company training objectives.

Minimum of 5 participants for class to be held.  


Overall :

  • Our CSP, CIT and OSHA Recordkeeping expert will cover the basics of OSHA recordkeeping as well as updates to the standard. 

  • The who, what, when, where and how of proper recordkeeping in keeping with the standard as well as electronic submission. 

  • Anti-retaliation will also be covered.


  • Identify OSHA requirements for recordkeeping, posting and reporting

  • Implementing OSHA recordability

  • Evaluate acceptable safety incentive programs


Other concentrations as defined by organizations attending the class


The 4-hour course serves as a refresher/overview and will highlight the topics above along with a look at the most common violations and how to avoid them.  

The 8-hour course will take a deeper dive into the standard with additional explanation and guidance on proper Recordkeeping for your organization. This can be a course that is tailored to your organization and instructed on-site with site-specific examples. 


Pricing for the course will vary based on class length, size and depth of site-specific guidance. 

CEU’s are available for this course.



OSHA Training

First Aid

Defensive Driving

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